September 2006: Animals’ Voice magazine, a publication of SPCA New Zealand, promises to give away a FREE book of KOALAS: MOVING PORTRAITS OF SERENITY to the winner of the best koala drawing.

Visit the New Zealand SPCA website.

And the winner is: Julia Wiesniewski of Santa Barbara, California. Congratulations, Julia!


What a feast for
the eyes this is!
Koalas – Moving Portraits
Of Serenity is a stunning
book featuring more than 300
exquisite photographs of koalas
taken by 120 photographers from
24 countries.
We enter the private lives of koalas
in their habitat, interacting with other
koalas and doing things these animals
love to do. The results are unforgettable
portraits of this much-loved Australian
icon at rest, feeding or at play. And it’s not
just a collection of great photographs. The
accompanying text on the different aspects of
this marsupial is the perfect complement.
The koala is a serene animal and its endearing
presence leaves people of all ages delighted,
touched and fascinated. This fine book is a must
for anyone who loves koalas or appreciates animal
portraits at their best.
Koalas – Moving Portraits Of Serenity
is available in good bookstores and a portion of proceeds from
sales of this book will go to the Australian Koala
Foundation. Published by Koala Jo Publishing and
distributed by Bookwise International. RRP $69.95.
We have a copy of this wonderful
book to give away to a lucky reader.
All you have to do is draw a koala
and post the picture to us:

Post your entry along with your name

and contact details to:
Koala Picture Competition
Animals’ Voice
SPCA Auckland
PO Box 43221, Auckland
Entries must be received by October 31, 2006
CONDITIONS: Judges’ decision is final. Prize not transferable or redeemable for cash. Enter as often as you like but each entry must be submitted separately. SPCA employees
and their immediate families are not eligible to enter. Entry is consent to use name for publicity purposes. Winner’s name will be published in next issue of Animals’ Voice.